Velvet processing

Velvet processing premises are licensed by New Zealand's Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). MPI ensures food safety and hygiene requirements are met and maintained through regular inspections.
Velvet processing involves a cooking process at different temperatures using wet heat followed by a very long period of dehydration. New Zealand velvet processing involves a combination of traditional methods with modern processing technology, resulting in very high levels of hygiene and product quality.
Sophisticated healthy food companies from Asia are increasingly using NZ velvet in their healthy food products. These well respected companies are keen to use processed NZ velvet due to its high quality finish and government enforced QA standards. This helps to ensure a better quality and safer ingredient.
The New Zealand industry also produces a wide range of further processed velvet products including velvet powder and extracts in capsules, drinks and health tonics, and food products.
They are increasingly popular in western markets, as dietary supplements and natural health products.